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Prega Days LH Ovulation Test Kit for Women is a detection kit that identifies a woman's fertile days. It can help to know the days of your ovulation. It works by detecting a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine before ovulation. This can help to know the best time to conceive.
Prega Days LH Ovulation Test Kit for Women
Aids in the detection of an LH rise
Ovulation Test Kit
It is more than 99% accurate in detecting an LH surge.
- Start by washing your hands thoroughly.
- Open the Prega Days LH Ovulation Test Kit and take out an LH kit, a dropper and a urine collection tray.
- Collect a small sample of urine in the tray provided.
- Use the dropper to place 3 drops of urine in the sample window of the LH patch.
- Wait 5 minutes before interpreting the results.
- The presence of two colored lines indicates a positive result.
- Indicates an invalid result if only one line is present. If no line is visible, it means the test is invalid – repeat with a new ovulation kit.
- Make sure to use a new ovulation kit for each test to avoid contamination.
- Do not swallow or swallow any part of the LH kit.
- The kit is for single use only; Avoid reusing it.
- Keep out of reach of children.