White foods and carbohydrates - gitaayurvedic.com

Our body needs carbohydrates for energy. And the main source of sugar is white or starchy foods. A balanced diet should include protein- foods every day.

White foods include rice, potatoes and bread. In this case, one should always choose healthy alternatives. For example: red rice, potatoes with skins, bread made from red flour or whole wheat, pasta and noodles. These carry more nutrients and fiber than white or refined grains.

This article highlights the importance of protein and carbohydrates, good sources of them, food preservation, and ways to increase protein in the diet.

A variety of protein- foods

The rice

You can choose rice as a white or starchy food. It does not contain fat or affection. Additionally, rice provides a lot of energy and saves money.

Different types of rice are available in the market. For example: white rice, red rice, basmati rice, small grain rice and coarse grain rice. However, when choosing rice, you should choose whole grain rice, i.e. red rice.

Red rice contains fiber and B vitamins in addition to sugar.

Rice can be eaten both hot and cold. When rice is eaten cold, it increases the amount of a special type of starch called 'resistant starch'. It is low in calories.

Storing rice in the refrigerator

It is very important to be careful when reheating and storing cooked rice. This is because even after cooking, rice can still contain food poisoning bacteria If cooked rice is left at room temperature, toxins are from these bacteria. Eating these toxic foods can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Remember, reheating food does not inactivate these toxins.

So it is healthiest to eat rice immediately after cooking. If that is not possible, it is best to cool within an hour of cooking and refrigerate until later use. Refrigerated rice should be eaten within 24 hours.

The rice should be heated very well when reheating. The rice should be heated in such a way that steam rises from all sides. In this case, it should be ensured that the entire rice is heated at 70 degrees Celsius for at least two minutes.

Rice should not be heated more than once. It is better to discard the rice without heating it a second time. If for some reason the rice in the refrigerator is not cold enough, it should be discarded without being reheated.


Breads and breads made with red flour and other whole grains can be an important part of a balanced diet. Adding different types of seeds to them increases the nutritional value.

Carbohydrates in whole grain bread provide energy to the body. Besides, they contain vitamin B, vitamin E, fiber and various minerals.

Common bread and bread also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. But it contains less fiber than whole grain and red flour breads.

Some avoid eating bread due to wheat allergies and  intolerances. Many people don't want to eat bread thinking about getting fat.

However, if a certain type of food is completely excluded from the food list, it will be deprived of many important nutrients needed to stay healthy.

Contact your doctor if you think you have an allergy or intolerance to wheat.

Bread can be stored at room temperature. But keep an eye on the expiry date on the packet while consuming. Always try to eat fresh bread and bread.


Potatoes are a classic example of a sugary food. It is a good source of energy, fiber, B vitamins and potassium. It also contains a small amount of vitamin C. Also it is cheap and easily available.

Although potato is a vegetable, it is eaten as a carbohydrate, as it is a major source of protein. For this reason, the five servings of  and vegetables a day should not include potatoes.

Potatoes can play an important role in our diet. Boiled, stuffed, —any way potatoes are prepared can be a healthy food. However, a small amount of oil and salt should be used during cooking.

Potato fries, french fries and other chips are deep fried and salted. These are not healthy foods.

Use a small amount of unsaturated oil when cooking and serving potatoes. For example: olive oil and sunflower oil.

Boiling potatoes removes some of their nutrients into the water. This is especially the case if the peel is removed during cooking. To prevent this—

  • Use potatoes with skin on
  • Use only as much water as is needed to cover the potatoes
  • Cook the potatoes just as long as they need to be cooked

Store potatoes in a cool, dry place away from light. In this way sprouting of potatoes can be prevented. Do not eat the sprouted green part or any damaged part after sprouting from the potato. These parts may contain substances harmful to health (toxins).

The pasta

Pasta is another healthy food. It is made from a type of dough made from wheat and water. Pasta is  in iron and various B vitamins.

Pasta made with whole wheat has more fiber than regular pasta. So it is more healthy. This type of pasta takes longer to digest than refined foods, so the stomach stays full for longer.

Dry pasta can be stored in containers. This way it usually stays good for a long time. On the other hand, fresh pasta should be kept in the refrigerator. Follow the instructions on the packet for details on how to store pasta.

Cereal food

Breakfast cereals are made from different grains like wheat, oats, barley, barley and rice. Whole grains can help us meet our iron, fiber, protein and various B-vitamin needs. High-fiber cereals provide energy slowly over a longer period of time.

Oatmeal and other whole grain cereals are healthy for breakfast. Apart from this, cereals made from corn and barley are also considered as healthy foods.

However, many cereals found in markets and supermarkets are made from refined grains. They contain negligible amounts of whole grains and fiber. It may also contain high levels of salt and sugar. So read the food ingredients information or food label on the packet while buying cereals.

Ways to eat more protein- foods

About one-third of the daily meal should be filled with white sugars. The following tips will help increase the amount of protein- foods in the diet—

The breakfast

  • You can eat bread made from whole grains like red flour. This type of bread can be eaten with cooked vegetables or salads. Apart from this, you can eat  separately. In this way, it will be possible to high amounts of healthy protein- foods.
  • If you have a habit of eating 'breakfast cereal' like corn flakes for breakfast, choose whole grain cereal as an alternative. If necessary, some whole grain cereals can be mixed with preferred cereals first.
  • You can eat oats. It is very healthy as breakfast. Easy to cook too. You can easily prepare breakfast with oats, milk or yogurt and . Eating such a nutritious breakfast will keep the stomach full for a long time.

Lunch and dinner

  • You can eat enough red rice. Also eat more vegetables. It should be remembered here that red rice is much healthier than white rice. Eating red rice rice will make it easier to meet the needs of other nutrients including more fiber. Even red rice will help in weight loss.
  • You can eat boiled or potatoes. Eating with the peel provides more fiber. But if you want to eat bharta, you have to pay attention to how much oil you are using.
  • Choose breads made with whole grains and a variety of nutritious seeds (such as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds). This type of bread is high in fiber.
  • You can also eat noodles and pasta. But they should not be prepared using fatty sauces. They can be made more delicious by adding different types of vegetables while cooking.

White sugar and sugar

The three main nutrients found in food and drink are carbohydrates, fats and carbohydrates.

Foods  in protein contain sugars or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body. In addition to sugar, foods  in protein also contain many nutrients. For example: fiber, calcium, iron and vitamin B complex.

In the process of digestion, sugary foods are broken down to form glucose or sugar. This sugar is the main source of energy for the cells, tissues and organs of the body.

Protein and fiber

vegetables and grains that our stomach cannot digest. But it plays an important role in the process of digestion and keeping the body healthy. Foods made with whole grains and potatoes with their skins are good sources of fiber- protein.

Fiber keeps the stomach full for longer. Hence the possibility and need of overeating is. As a result, protein- foods like whole grains and potatoes with their skins can help us lose weight.

Some fibers do not dissolve in water after consumption. This type of fiber remains intact as it passes through the various stages of the digestive process. It helps soften the stool by absorbing water and increases stool volume. As a result, faeces can easily leave the body. Thus fiber prevents constipation and helps regular bowel movements.

Such fibrous proteins include—

  • Red rice rice, red flour bread
  • Whole grain breads, pastas and noodles
  • Potatoes with skin

In this case, care should be taken not to add extra fat like oil, butter and ghee while cooking white food. Fat increases the calorie content of food. So oil and ghee used to make polao, fried rice, potato chips and parathas, butter eaten with toast and various fatty sauces mixed with pasta should be avoided.

Many people think that eating white food makes people fat. This idea is not correct. Excess calorie intake is the cause of weight gain. Eating protein in moderation does not lead to weight gain.

Note that some white foods can indirectly lead to weight gain. For example, eating sugary foods like white bread and jelly for breakfast can make you feel hungry again after a while. Because the amount of fiber in these foods is negligible, the stomach is not full for long. As a result, eating more food is likely to increase calorie intake.

On the other hand, eating a balanced breakfast  in fiber and protein keeps the stomach full for a long time. As a result, there will be no need to eat anything before the next meal. So in selecting white rice, the matter of fiber and nutrition should be kept in mind.

Leukemia and cancer risk

A chemical called acrylamide is formed when many foods (such as starchy foods such as potatoes and bread) are cooked at high temperatures for long periods of time. Studies have shown that acrylamide can cause cancer.

Here are four important tips to reduce the risk of acrylamide in homemade food:

1. Prefer golden color

Be of their color when cooking vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips and beets, or breads. Try to fry, grill, bake, toast or roast them until they are golden or lightly browned. Any color darker than this can be harmful to health.

2. Follow the instructions on the packet

When preparing packaged frozen foods such as potato chips and French fries, follow the cooking instructions on the package. These rules are mentioned to show proper way of cooking. That is, white food should not be cooked for a long time or at excessive temperature, these instructions are given for this purpose.

3. Eat a varied and balanced diet

It is not possible to completely avoid the risk of acrylamide in food. However, following a varied and balanced diet can reduce the risk of cancer. For this reason, five servings of  and vegetables should be kept in the food list in addition to white vegetables. As a general rule, one serving is for every 80 grams of fresh or vegetables.

Vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips and beets can be boiled or steamed instead of fried or roasted. In this way, besides reducing the risk of acrylamide, the amount of fat in them can also be 

4. Avoid storing raw potatoes in the refrigerator

Refrigeration of raw potatoes increases the amount of acrylamide. Therefore, to reduce the risk of cancer, raw potatoes should be stored in a cool and dark place at a temperature above 6°C.

More on food and nutrition