Why do we need Ayurveda so much? - gitaayurvedic.com

Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old system of medicine with its own multifaceted philosophy that involves the mind, body and spirit of the individual. The practice, which is primarily based on disease prevention and treatment, combines proper diet, healthy lifestyle, daily routines, natural remedies, detoxification therapies as well as herbal medicines that promote a healthy life. Ayurveda, which means ‘science of life’ in Sanskrit, is the art and science of living in harmony with the environment around us and our individual body constitution, which makes it particularly relevant in modern life.

Realizing the importance of Ayurveda in our lives, we can think of our health as a harmonious balance between our body, mind and spirit. Furthermore, it believes that an imbalance of these elements will result in disease. And, overall well-being can be achieved through Ayurveda, as it emphasizes prevention and addresses the underlying causes of illness.

With this ancient medical system, you can use an analysis of a person's constitution or "doshas," which are made up of elements such as vata, pitta, and kapha, to provide appropriate advice on lifestyle, nutrition, and herbal medicine.

1. Ayurveda treats the whole body

Ayurvedic medicine is not only one of the oldest medical systems in the world, but it is also holistic (whole-body) in nature. Ayurveda accepts you as a whole and recognizes the connection between your mind, body, and spirit. Traditional medicine believes that creating this harmony can prevent illness, treat acute conditions, and contribute to a healthy and vibrant life.

2. Time-tested Ayurvedic techniques for accurate diagnosis

According to Ayurveda, three gunas or doshas constitute the important characteristics of nature, i.e., the body's constitution. The three doshas are:

Vata: Vata dosha reflects the qualities of the elements space and air and controls the movement of our body.

Pitta: Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements and controls digestion, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature.

Kapha: Kapha dosha reflects the qualities of earth and water elements and controls our bones, muscles, teeth and everything dense in our body.

3. Health Benefits of Ayurveda

One of the main benefits of Ayurveda is that, in treating health problems, it considers the individual constitution of each person. You can get many health benefits by incorporating Ayurvedic techniques. In addition, Ayurveda helps in maintaining a healthy weight, improving digestion, increasing energy, reducing stress and strengthening the immune system. You will benefit from it in most cases if you are able to cope with long-term illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, asthma and arthritis.

4. Principles of Ayurveda

You will understand how the basic concepts of Ayurveda are centered on three basic energies or doshas. By understanding the information in Ayurveda, you will see how Vata is associated with movement and regulates the body's activities; Pitta is associated with metabolism, digestion and transformation; and Kapha is associated with the formation and stability of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to keep these doshas in balance for your good health. Additionally, Agni, or digestive fire, Ayurveda emphasizes is important in determining how well your body absorbs nutrients.

5. Ayurveda is a way of life

Ayurveda places great emphasis on a person’s diet or lifestyle, which includes eating habits, physical exercise, mental well-being, and other daily routines or dinacharyas that improve the overall quality of life. According to this powerful science of permanent healing, following the Ayurvedic dinacharya is one of the best things you can do to balance the body, prevent disease, treat all ailments, and stay in complete control.

6. Ayurveda involves much more than just herbs.

Ayurvedic medicine and remedies include not only herbs, but also a myriad of ingredients ranging from honey, milk, ghee, butter, oils, minerals to ash. Herbs are a major ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine and treatments. However, numerous natural ingredients are also used equally depending on the individual's body structure, disease and treatment.

7. Ayurveda has no side effects.

Unlike Western medical systems, Ayurvedic treatments and medicines are free from any side effects. In Western medical systems, adverse side effects occur due to excessive doses of chemicals or mismatches in your body. Ayurvedic medicines are free from all chemicals and are based on nature's pristine herbs and natural supplements.