When there is too much fat or fat in the human body, we call it obesity. Obesity is a manifestation of a condition of the body. In this condition, the amount of fat or fat in the body continues to increase and the weight increases. A small amount of fat is stored under the skin of the human body, which is pure. It is necessary for health, but when too much fat or fat is stored, it is very harmful to health. When a person's weight increases by 20 to 25 percent from his normal weight, we can call him "obesity". In this condition, the human body becomes susceptible to various diseases and sometimes even death can occur in this condition. So we need to always measure whether the weight is increasing. So the reliable method of measuring obesity is B. M. I or Body Mass Index (B.M.I).
So how do we measure how much fat is accumulated in the body?
-If the weight in kilograms is divided by the square of his height (in meters), B.M.I. Available.
That is, BMI =Weight (in kg)
Height (in meters)
If this ratio is 18.5 to 24.9, it is called ideal. If this measurement is more than that, the person is considered overweight and if it is less, he is considered underweight.
This overweight cannot be put on the list of diseases - This overweight - if the rules are not followed, then the disease called obesity is slowly created.
The weight that our body has between 30 and 35 years of age and if it does not increase then that is the ideal weight. But if this weight keeps increasing, then it is assumed that we are suffering from the disease called obesity.
Weight gain occurs due to this obesity. And because of this weight, fat slowly accumulates in the liver and cirrhosis of the liver can occur. Many people think that by reducing fat, the belly will shrink and put themselves on the list of beautiful people. Just like that - similarly, the accumulation of belly or fat has a direct effect on the body.
Usually: The size of the belly of boys is 94 cm. And girls should be careful only if it increases to 84 cm. Generally, it is seen that more fat or fat accumulates in the waist and belly than in other parts of the body. Excess fat in the abdomen causes stomach problems.
Doctors can visually understand that the person is suffering from obesity if some symptoms of obesity are detected.
Now the main causes of obesity are-first of all - Which is seen as the main cause, excessive food intake, sleep and less exercise. The main cause of this disease is excessive food intake or eating:
Weight increases the most when you eat too much food or eat. You are not hungry but you cannot control your greed when you see food and eat more than you need throughout the day. I heard our mothers say when I was young that "eyes are hungry". You get hungry when you see other people's food. As a result, fat or fat increases in the body.
Age-related reasons - Usually, our metabolism slows down as we age. We do not need as many calories as we did at the age of 15 to 18, but at the age of 40 to 45, we do not need this amount of calories. Then, those extra calories accumulate in the body and increase the amount of fat.
Genetic reasons - If there is a tendency to be fat in the family, it affects the next generation. Because there is a great manipulation of the leptin hormone. That is, the deficiency of this leptin hormone increases the possibility of obesity.
Due to less physical exertion, those who have to sit most of the day and do not have to work hard or run around, their chances of accumulating fat increase to a great extent.
The main reason for weight gain due to excessive eating habits is overeating. Even though there is no hunger, they cannot control their cravings and eat more food than necessary throughout the day. And that is the real reason for accumulating excess fat in the body.
Eating too much oily food or fast food, compared to what is needed throughout the day, will cause excess fat to accumulate in the body if you consume oily food, such as fast food and various fast foods from the market. Eating too much sweets, because we all love to eat sweets. The amount of sugar in sweets helps the body to increase fat quickly.
For hormonal reasons, there are some hormones in the human body that increase obesity even if they are secreted too much or too little. For example, obesity increases due to the influence of the thyroid, pituitary, or other hormones. Again, even if the level of estrogen hormone in the body is less than normal, the possibility of fat accumulation is greater.
For medical reasons - Some steroid medicines are taken for a long time, a disease called obesity develops.
For disease reasons - Many people become fat due to various diseases.
For hereditary reasons - If there is a tendency to be fat in the family or in the family, it has a greater effect on the next generation. Obesity is likely to occur due to a deficiency of leptin hormone.
Mental factors such as anger, sadness, frustration, stress, and tension disrupt the functioning of the brain, which is one of the causes of obesity.
Due to calorie imbalance - The amount of calories that enter our body through food throughout the day is often not spent properly. As a result, those calories accumulate and are gradually converted into fat.
Here are some tips to lose weight easily by burning fat-
The first tip is that the less food you put into your body, the faster your body will lose fat and start getting slim. That is, you have to start controlling your diet first. That means you have to fast completely or eat very little in this diet. Eat less, eat more often. Only then will you see the weight fall off. After eating, your mind is full and your body is also starting to slim down.
The second suggestion is - Low fat low calorie diet-All the foods that should be completely eliminated from daily life. Eat as much cooked food as possible. Develop the habit of eating more salads, fruits in the diet. Avoid cold drinks, alcohol, smoking, chips etc. fast food. Instead, develop the habit of eating muri, cucumber, fried food.
Eat low fat and low calorie food for breakfast in the morning. Eat salad before lunch and then eat lunch. That way, less fat or calories will enter the body. Don't forget to eat dinner at least three hours before going to bed at night. Always pay attention to the fact that the amount of sugar, spices and oil used in the food you eat every day is less.
Eat food according to the daily diet chart. This diet chart is mentioned below.
Obesity causes us various diseases - first of all, due to weight gain, the body's balance problems will increase, because the entire pressure of the body falls on the feet, which leads to arthritis in the joints, mobility problems, arthritis, sciatica, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, gas, heartburn, indigestion, infertility, constipation, hemorrhoids, sexual problems, respiratory problems, etc.
Get out of bed early every morning.
Because it is very beneficial for your body.
At 5 am - (1) Drink about 1 liter of water. After skipping breakfast.
(2) At 6 am - Eat 1 cup of low-sugar liqueur tea with 2 cream cracker biscuits.
(3) At 8 am - Eat bread or a little rice with vegetables.
(4) At 12 noon - Eat bread, salad vegetables with a little sweet snack.
(5) At 4 pm - Eat 1 cup of muri, gram, chide bhaga or butter toast with 1 cup of tea.
(6) At 7 pm, eat 2 red flour rotis or 1 cup of rice, dal and vegetables for those who eat rice.
Then go to bed between 9 and 10 pm.
If you can follow the chart above, you will see that your slim face and belly will not grow anymore.
Third tip: If you want to reduce fat, you must be patient. In simple words, you must not give up - you must stick to it, that is, you must develop the good habit of sticking to it. You must sweat every day in some way or the other. Be it walking, running, doing heavy work or doing yoga. If you develop the habit of sweating, you will gradually lose fat and become slim. And you will also be able to fill your mind with extreme joy.
Treatment for obesity:
(1) Diet control is the main treatment for this disease. All the foods from which fat is produced in the body should be reduced first. Fatty foods produce more fat. For example, oil, ghee, butter, mutton should be excluded from the diet first.
(2) Bathing time should be increased. In our natural medicine, there is a mention of Trisandhya bath - that is, bathing three times in the morning / noon / and evening. However, morning bath is the best for weight loss.
(3) Drinking lemon juice with lemon juice works like magic to reduce fat. If you wake up in the morning and drink a whole lemon juice in lukewarm water on an empty stomach, you will see - you will lose a few kilos of weight within a month and start to lose weight.
(4) Ayurveda - If you take Medhar Guggul 2 to 3 times a day as per the doctor's advice, you will lose weight quickly. Also, take 2 pills of purified Guggul 3 times a day. Take 2 pills of Navbarshik Gumbul 3 times a day. This will help you lose weight quickly.
(5) Mosambi juice - If you eat 2 to 3 Mosambi seeds on an empty stomach in the morning and do not eat anything else for 2 hours, your fat will decrease and you will get a beautiful, neat, slim and enviable figure."
(6) Nikunda or Nishinda is a useless medicine for obesity. This plant is usually seen in the villages. The scientific name of the Nishinda plant is-NYCTANTHES ABRORTRITIS.
Dry the Nishinda leaves and make powder or dust. Eat 1 spoon twice a day every morning on an empty stomach. If you have difficulty eating on an empty stomach, then take any food after 1 hour. Eat this regularly for 6 to 8 months. Within 3 to 4 months, you will start getting amazing results. By consuming this dust regularly, your weight will decrease quickly and you will get rid of the disease called obesity.
Yoga treatment for obesity:
You will get faster benefits with regular physical exercise and yoga. -There is no alternative to walking. Develop the habit of walking regularly in the morning and evening or any time. Yoga is a great medicine to get rid of obesity. Start yoga and you will see that you will get a beautiful figure within a few days.
If you want to do yoga, take the advice of a yoga doctor, then everything will be scientific.
1. Sarvangasana - Practice this asana 3 to 4 times. By practicing this asana, the accumulated fat in the stomach will gradually relax. All the organs of the body will become strong and healthy. The body will also be free from diseases.
2. Dhanurasana - Practice this asana 2 to 3 times. By practicing this asana, the fat in the stomach and waist will be completely reduced. Both the arms and legs will become strong and strong.
3. Pavanmukta Asana - By practicing this asana, the excess fat in the buttocks, thighs and stomach will fall off. By practicing 3 to 4 times, the body will become healthy and free from diseases.
4. Shalabhasana - By practicing this asana, the accumulated fat in the chest will be reduced. However, this asana is completely prohibited for heart patients.