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Ayurvedic Nimhaldi Capsules - Ayurvedic Nimhaldi Capsules for smooth and healthy skin, softening and exfoliating the skin, smoothing sunburned face, purifying blood and controlling sugar and beneficial
Ayurvedic Nimhaldi capsule for healthy skin :
Skin glow and moisturizer,
Skin Care:
Healthy skin & purifying blood,
Each Capsule Contains: Powder of:
Neem(Azadirachta indica) Leaf 250 mg. A.P.I
Haridra(Curcuma Longa)Rz.250 mg. A.P.I
Sodium Benzoate(Preservative)1 mg I.P.
Biswas Nimhaldi capsule For Soft & Healthy Skin, Fairness, blood purifier & Sugar Control.
1 Cap. twice daily or as directed by the physician.
Pack Size:
Container of 50 Capsule
Side Effect : No Side Effect.