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Angur salsa is valuable general tonic of high for all ages an improved feeling of physical and mentalvigour.the drug raise the serum protein level and increases the body weight and prevent effect of again symptoms.the drug is demulcent cooling,laxative and usefull in thirst,heat of the body,cough,hoarseness.consumption and wasting diseases. it aguments intake of food and is therefore beneficial in dyspepsia or mutritional disorders,it promotes haempoiesis and as purifire of blood.
East 5 m.l of liquid contains the extract of:
vitis vinifera(munakka) 225m.g
Hemidesmus indicus(anantamul) 200m.g
Andropogon rictus(ushir) 200m.g
Saussurea lappa(kustha) 140m.g
Sphaeranthus hirtus(gorakmundi) 125m.g
Fumari parviflora(pittapara) 105m.g
Acacia catechu(khadir) 105m.g
Pterocarpus santailinus(rakta chandan)55m.g
Acacia arabica(babul) 125m.g.
appetite,mental and physical stress condition,fatigur,wasting disease,natritional defact and anemia
Adult :2teaspoonfulls daily after meal.
Children:1/2 to 1 teaspoonful thric daily after meals