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Use For:-
- Piles
- Fisher
- Fistula
- Rectum Pain
- Deceases should be cured
- Without Any Side Effect
- 100% Ayurvedic
- 100% Natural
Arsha Binash Batika is the most used for piles. It certainly can be used for each bleeding piles and non bleeding piles. It additionally does the remedy Fisher, Fistula, Rectum pain, Small Worm, Allergy etc. Deceases ought to be cured.
Ayurvedic Arsha Binash Batika :
Hemorrhoids :
Fisher, Bleeding Piles,
Composition :
Rasun 10.00%, Chirota 8.00%, Sonapata 8.00%, Kanthikari 0.5%, Chir-Chiramul 3.6%, Buno Begun 0.50%, Gokhur Kanta 5.00%, Gambul Chhal 10.00%, Alkushi 0.50%, Palash Biz 0.90%,
Dosage :
1 Tablet at bed time with water,
Indication :
Piles, Fisher, Fistula, Rectum pain, Small Worm, Allergy etc. Deceases should be cured,
Pack Size :
Packing Of 30 ml,