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Ayurvedic Antagel Antacid Tonic is used to treat the of too much stomach acid such as stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. It is also used to relieve of extra gas such as belching, bloating, and feelings of pressure,discomfort in the stomach,gut.
Ayurvedic Antagel Antacid Tonic
Hyper Acidity, Heart Burn
Health Supplement:
Gas Relief, Chronic Dyspepsia
Each 5ml. Contains Fitkiri (Alumina)110mg. Sachikhar (Carbonate Of Soda) 35mg. Lime (Calcinated Carbon) 20mg. Additive Sorbitol IP CMC (Sodium) 0.5ml. Flavour 60mg. Orange 0.001ml. Colour Orange Preservative: Sodium Benzoate I.P 0.2% ,Sodium Methyl Paraben I.P 10mg. Sodium Propyl Paraben I.P 2.5mg. Purified Water Q.S.. 5ml.
As Directed By The Physician.
Side Effect
No side Effect Ayurvedic Propritary medicine.