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- Protects liver against hepatotoxins
- Improves appetite and metabolic activities
- Effects easy and regular bowel movement
- Prevents hepatic degeneration.
- gastrointestinal disease
- digestive enzyme
Ayurvedic Liv-N-Zyme Syrup for Liver Protection & Digestive Health it liver support, helping to protect, hepatitis, signs of liver damage and nourish your liver for optimal function. In addition to its action on the liver it also is an effective digestive enzyme. It cures cronic dyspepsia, Indigestion, acidity, flatulence, heartburn & anorexia. and Health aim capsule best multivitamin capsules, weight gain ,immunity boosts in India For Loss Of Appetite male & Female off all age which improve physical strength. Health-Aim Capsule for immunity boosts
Ayurvedic Liv-N-Zyme Syrup for Liver Protection &
Health And Health-Aim Capsule for
Protects liver against hepatotoxins
Health Care
Loss Of Appetite, dyspepsia
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Indigestion, acidity, flatulence, hepatitis, protection of liver
Adults : 10 ml twice daily before meal
Children : 5 ml twice daily before meal
Infants : 2.5 twice daily before meal