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Triskand Ayurvedic Liver care LIV-AL Tonic & Health Aim Multivitamin Capsule combo best Treatment medicine in India for good health loss of appetite is an Ayurvedic medicine made from natural herbs for everyone's use. Which is healthy, in liver care, boosts immunity, increases appetite, liver infection, maintains physical health. Increases im and mentalmunity in the body.
Triskand Ayurvedic Liver care LIV-AL Tonic & Health Aim Multivitamin capsule combo for good health best Treatment in India medicine for loss of appetite
Good Health Health Supplement
Liver Care, Boosts immunity, Increas appetite
LIV-AL Tonic Each 5 ml contains Herbs used for aqueous extract Yamaini (Trachyspermum ammi) 100 mg, Kalmegh (Andragraphis paniculata) 100 mg, Gulancha (Tinospora cordifolia) 100 mg, Health Aim capsule Each 500gm. Capsule contains: AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF HERBS: Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) 70mg. A.S, Bhulkumra (Ipomoea paniculata) 40mg. A.S, Kur (Saussurea lappa) 60 mg,
LIV-AL Tonic Keeps the liver healthy & increas appetite. Health Aim capsule For good health and well being. It helps to recover from physical mental and neural asthenia increases physical stamina, strength and zeal.
LIV-AL Tonic 3-4 TSF. 2-3 times a day or as directed by the Physician. Health Aim capsule 1 capsule to be taken after each. meal or as directed by the Physician. Side Effect: No Side Effect An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine.