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Ayurvedic Sanjivani Salsa Syrup Eliminates heart weakness and physical instability Cures indigestion stomach pain, weak heart symptoms, acidity Cures chronic diseases of liver and gastracidity cure itis etc. Brings taste to the mouth, increases appetite and sleep. Cures diseases. Acid reflux treatment treats hyperacidity Stomach pain after eating, heartburn, Kucha Creamy removes weakness.
Ayurvedic Sanjivani Salsa Syrup
heartburn, indigestion,weakness, acidity cure.
SUNTH (Zingiber officinale) 150mg. Amlaki(Emblica officinalis) 250mg. Bara Elachl(Amonum subulatum) 50mg. MORICH(Piper nigrum ) 150 mg . JEERA(Cuminum cymium) 100mg. PAPAYA(Carica papays) 250 mg . MOURI(Foenicum vulgare) 250 mg. DHANIA(Coriandrum sativum) 250 mg. OTHER INGREDIENTS THIOMOL(Trachyspemum ammi) 10mg. PRESERVTIVE SODIUM BENZOATE I.P. 25mg COLOUR CARAMEL I.P. Q.S. FLAVOUR CARDAMOM P.F.A. Q.S. PURIFIED WATER A. P.L. Q S. TO 5ml.
Cure Heartburn, Stomachache, Liver Dosha, Old Indigestion, Gastric Gas etc. The taste of the mouth brings hunger and increases sleep.
2 tea spoons full with water before the lunch & dinner or as directed by the physician . SIDE EFFECTS: NO