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Ayurvedic Sanjivani Salsa Syrup cures heart weakness and restlessness, indigestion, stomach ache. Energy Booster, Digestive System, Brain, Heart Weakness Symptoms Acidity Cures Chronic Liver Diseases and Cure Gastracidity. Acid Reflux Treatment Treats Hyper Acidity Abdominal Pain, Heartburn, Kucha Creamy Weakness. Health-Aim Capsule. for good health and well being. it helps to recover from immunity booster, muscle support, eyes health, physical, mental and neural asthenia increases physical stamina, strength and zeal. Ayurvedic Sanjivani Salsa Syrup & Health-Aim Capsule
Ayurvedic Sanjivani Salsa Syrup & Health-Aim Capsule
weakness, digestive system
heartburn, immunity booster
Each 5 ml. contains aqueous extracts of: sunth, amlaki, baraelachi, morich, ajwain, jeera, papaya, mouri, dhania, OTHER INGREDIENTS Thimol, preservative, sodium bonzoate, colour, flavour, cardamom, purified water
sanjibani salsa:
2 tea spoons full with water before the lunnch & dinner or as directed by the physician. Health-Aim Capsule: 1 capsule to be taken after each meal or as directed by the physician. Side Effect: No side effect in ayurvedic medicine