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B.n.mallick Ayurvedic Tooth-Pain Lotion Use for toothache, bad breath, bleeding from teeth, pyrexia to protect gums. It is Besides also used for gum disease, gingivitis, plaque, bleeding gums, tooth ache and other conditions. best medicine for toothache
B.n.mallick Ayurvedic Tooth-Pain Lotion
bleeding gums, bad breath
Dental health Care
toothache relief, teeth pain medicine
Hekla Lava 10%,Plantago1%,Myrrh0.5%,Calendula10%,Kreosota 3.6%,Neem 0.5%,Clove Oil 10%,,Pudina Oil 0.90%,Menthol 0.10%,Ethyl Alcohole
tooth pain, gingivitis treatment, bleeding gums
This medicine in you proper place by cotton. Side Effect: No side Effect Ayurvedic proprietary medicine.