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Best ayurvedic digestive enzymes syrup Eucozyme harnesses the digestive prowess of natural ingredients, offering a gentle and effective solution for promoting overall digestive wellness. it help to indigestion, hyper acidity, heartburn, gastritis, dyspepsia, flatulent and digestive health.
Best ayurvedic digestive enzymes syrup Eucozyme 450ml for indigestion, hyper acidity, heartburn, gastritis
carminative mixture with digestive enzymes syrup
Each 5 ml. Contains aqua extract of: Choto Elachi 25 mg. Lavanga 25 mg. Daruchini 100 mg. Mouri 100 mg. Methi 150 mg. Svetajiraka 150 mg. Yavani 150 mg. Hing 25 mg. Indrayava 100 mg. Papita 100 mg. Sodium Benzoate 20 mg.
Key Features:
Digestive Support: Eucozyme is Ayurvedic digestive enzyme syrup that promotes overall digestive health through a comprehensive enzyme blend. Optimal Digestion: Facilitates the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, supporting the body in absorbing essential nutrients for overall well-being. Family-Friendly: Suitable for individuals of all ages, promoting digestive wellness for the whole family
Adults: 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls two times a day. Children: 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful two times a day or as directed by the physician.
Side Effect: