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Best Remedy for Sore Throat and Cough Ayurvedic Sugar Free Tulsi Manjuri Syrup is a completely natural product, it helps to expel phlegm it suppresses cough. And it's a smoker's cough, bronchitis, acute bronchitis, cold and cough relief syrup. Relieves congestion, sore throat and other respiratory problems.
Ayurvedic Sugar Free Tulsi Manjuri Syrup
for cold and cough, smoker's cough, sore throat
cough relief
bronchitis, expectorant
For each 5 ml.syrup Herbs used for Aqueous extract of: Tulsi(ocimum sanctum)350mg, Vasak(Adhatoda vasica)250mg, Yastimadhu(Glychyrrhiza glabra), Pipali(piper longum)150mg, Talis patra(Abies webbiana)200mg, Lavanga(Syzygium aromaticum), Menthol-Zinger(Zingiber officinale)50mg, Marich(pipernigrum)75mg, kakmachi(solanum nigrum)75mg, Others ingredients Aspartame.500mg,Xanthum gum.15mg,Sodium Benzoate.17mg, (Preservative) Sodium methyl paraben(do)5mg,
Useful in cough & cold smoker's cough,as an expectorant.
As directed by the physician. Side Effect: No