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Biswas Lucokare Syrup its a natural product made for the secret disease of girls. Every woman suffers from gynecological conditions in one way or another. Lucokare works on all these diseases as helps Antiseptic sedative, Decongestant and anti-inflammatory therapy helps to correct Undesirable discharge corrects bleeding Useful in gynecological problem, Gynecological Disorders and promotes Utero Ovarian.
Biswas lucokare syrup
Antiseptic, Sedative
Health Supplement
anti inflammatory, Decongestant, undesirable
Each 5 ml contains Water Extract of: \nAswagandha (Withania Somnifera) 100 mg, Satamuli (Asparagus racemosus) 50 mg, Rakta Chandan (Petrocarpus santalinus) 25 mg, Dhaiphool (Woodfordia fruticosa) 50 mg, Ashoke Chhal (Saraca asoca) 100 mg, Lodh (Symplocos racemosa) 100 mg, Am athi ras (Mangiferaindica) 50 mg, Gulancha (Tinospora cordifolia) 75 mg, Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) 50 mg, Jira (Cuminum cyminum) 50 mg, Berhela (Sida cordifolia) 50 mg. Additive agent: Sugar (Sarkara) 1 gm, Sorbitol 70% solution 0.5 gm, Caramel (colour) q.s mg, Green Mango (Essence) 0.02 mg, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative) 25 mg, Purified Water q.s to 5 ml.
antiseptic sedative, decongestant anti inflammatory, therapy helps to correct undesirable discharge, corrects bleeding useful in gynaecological disorders & utero ovarian system
Two teaspoonfuls with Water 2 to 3 times a day or as directed by the physician. Pack size: 1350ml. SIDE EFFECT No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine. KEEP IN A COOL AND DARK PLACE.