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Charmo Rog Nasak Syrup is used to cure skin diseases . Regular use of this syrup can recover eczema , rashes , pimple , itching . The herbal ingradients like neem , haldi present in this syrup which is very effective for any skin problem .
- Relief from itching
- Remove eczema
- Disappears pimple
Charmo Rog Nasak Syrup use to cure skin diseases
eczema , pimple , rashes
Indication :
eczema , rashes , pimple & all type of skin diseases .
Composition :
Each 5ml contains :
Water extract of :
Manjistha 80 mg
Yastimadhu 80 mg
Holud 50 mg
Rakta Chandan 30 mg
Lodh 30 mg
Satamuli 30 mg
Neem Twak 50 mg
Gritakumari 30 mg
Amloki 30 mg
Tulsi 30 mg
Daru Haridra 30 mg
Aitive agents :
Sugar 1 gm
Madhu 50 gm
Dose :
2-3 tsf thrice a day after meal
Side effect :
No side effect