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Vitamin Ayurvedic Eucovin Plus Tonic & Dr. Biswas Ever Health Capsule improves your overall health and help you stay fit. weight gain general weakness best ayurvedic medicine body strength. elderly patients with chronic diseases, for people on a low-calorie diet, during pregnancy and lactation. Enhances Body Strength, Improves Immunity Power, It will improve your skins complexion & give you glowing skin, increase your bodies protein synthesis Natural anti-oxidant for effective infectious well-being by chronic disorders such as typhoid malaria, surgery and immune deficiency disorders . Wake up to refresh the product overview.
Helps increase your appetite
Helps to increase energy in the body
Eucovin Plus Tonic:
Each 5ml Contains Aqua Extract Of:
Draksa, Sveta Sariva, Kolikaksa, Ashvagandha, Sodhita Visamusti, Satavari, Goksura, Kasturilatika, Arjuna, Yastimadhu, Saccharin Sodium, Sorbitol 70%, Sodium CMC, Sodium, Benzoate, Caramel, Pineapple, Purified Water.
Ever health Capsule:
Eucovin Plus Tonic: 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily after meal or as directed by the physician.
Ever Health Capsule: As directed by the physician.