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- Weight Gain
- Physical Weakness
- Muscle Wasting
- Body Building
- Best mass gainer
Good Health Weight Gain Capsule 100% original is famous Ayurvedic medicine which Improves the digestion right liver to be digested properly food and new causes of blood in the body. It will help you anemia weight gain. Good health weakness capsule is a herbal supplement that helps improve overall health and boost immunity. good health capsule also increases energy levels, anemia, loss of appetite ,weight gain and weakness.
Ayurvedic Original Good Health Capsule for
weight gain
Family's Health ,loss of appetite,
Health Supplement:
Weight Gain, Physical Weakness, anemia.
Each capsule contains Extracts of:
Aswagandha(withania somnifera)70 m.g, Anantamul(hemidesmus indicus)50 m.g, Draksa(vitis vinifera)40 m.g, Brahmi 30 m.g, Satamuli 40 m.g, Jastimadhu 40 m.g, Jatamanshi 40 m.g, Sankhapuspi 50 m.g, biranga 40 m.g, Gokshur 30 m.g,amlki(emblica officinalis)fr.50m.g,
Additive agent:
Sodhita Shilajeet 10 m.g, Bana bhasma 8 m.g, Sodium Benzoate 2 m.g Purified water Q.S to 5 ml.
As Directed by the physician
Is there any side effect of good health capsule?
Dr Biswas Good Health Capsule: Uses, Price, Dosage, Side ...
No side effects of Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule.
Q. What is the use of good health capsule?
⇒ Good Health Capsule best for weight gain, healthy liver, blood creation, gain immunity. It prevents weight loss, physical weakness, muscle wasting, cronic issues, loss of appetite, liver or degistive disorder and anemia.
Q. Can I take good health capsule daily?
⇒ For healthy body take one one capsule each morning and evening after meals till one month. After that take one capsule at a day till 2 months. Then eat alternately, Don't stop the medicine till your body muscles tightness if you leave the medicine once, you may lose weight.
Q. good health capsule side effects?
⇒ No side effects of Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule.
Q. good health capsule benefits?
⇒ Good Health Capsule best for weight gain, healthy liver, blood creation, gain immunity. It prevents weight loss, physical weakness, muscle wasting, cronic issues, loss of appetite, liver or degistive disorder and anemia.
Q. When should I eat good health capsules?
⇒ For healthy body take one one capsule each morning and evening after meals till one month. After that take one capsule at a day till 2 months. Then eat alternately, Don't stop the medicine till your body muscles tightness if you leave the medicine once, you may lose weight.
Q. Is Dr. Biswas Good Health Capsule safe?
⇒ It's a ayurvedic medicine and made by natural herbs so it's have not side effects. But people with heart problem, diabetes, high blood pressure, pregnant women are recommended not to take this medicine.
Q. Can I gain weight by good health capsule?
⇒ Good Health capsules is famous Ayurvedic medicine which improves the digestion right liver to be digested properly food and new causes of blood in the body. This drug is beneficial to the whole family's health and well-being and healthier. Benefits of Good Health Capsules: It will help you gain your desired weight.
Pack Size:
Container of 50 capsule.