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Gopen is best product Gita ayurvedic
Herbshd Ayurvedic Gasaram Capsule & Go Gas Powder combo besically used as gas relief medicine . This combo can solve any issue which is create by gas like acidity , heartburn , constipation , irreguler bowel movement , vomiting , nausea etc . It is a herbal solution to relief from gas problem .
Acidity , constipation , nausea
Go Gas Powder :-
Constipation and Irregular Bowel Habits
Gasaram Capsule :-
Beneficial in all types of constipation, abdominal pain, gastric problems and acidity. Helps improve digestion.
Go Gas Powder :-
Embica off (Amlaki) .....................800mg,
Trachyspermum (Ajwain) ............500mg,
Terminalia Off (Haritaki) ..............300mg,
Foeniculum vul (Mouri) ................500mg,
Cariandrum sat (Dhania) .............300mg,
Aegle mer (Bel Suth) ....................700mg,
Cassia Agngustifoila (Sonapata).650mg,
Myrestick Fragrans (Jaiphal) ......200mg,
Cuminum cym (Jira).....................525mg,
Zingiber off (Sunthi) .....................500mg
Gasaram Capsule :-
(For each 500 mg capsule)
Aqueous Extract of herbs:
Ajwain......................... 75 mg
Saunf............................75 mg
Jira................................50 mg
Bael...............................50 mg
Papaya..........................50 mg
Amlaki..........................25 mg
Boheda.........................25 mg
Haritaki.........................25 mg
Yastimadhu...................25 mg
Sunth.............................25 mg
Nimbu...........................20 mg
Other active ingredients:
Sajit khar.......................50 mg
Sodium benzoate..........5 mg
Talc-As Excipients..........500 mg
Go Gas Powder :-
1-2 Teaspoonfuls (5-10 g) followed by a glass of luke warm water at bed time or as recommendeb by your physician.
Gasaram Capsule :-
1 capsule 2 times daily before meals or as directed by physician
No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine