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Herbshd Ayurvedic Health Aim Capsule & Protonid Health Tonic combo is a healthy supplement . Both medicine are works as multivitamin . This combo is useful for improves digestion , enhance appetite , sound restfull sleep . This combo helps to boost immunity and weight gain .
- Works as multivitamin
- Immunity booster
Promotes sound restfull sleep
Herbshd Ayurvedic Health Aim Capsule & Protonid Health Tonic combo for good health and well being
Multivitamin , enhance appetite ,sound restfull sleep
Composition :
Health Aim Capsule :-
Each 500gm. Capsule contains:
Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) 70m.g. A.S, Bhulkumra (Ipomoea paniculata) 40m.g. A.S, Kur (Saussurea lappa) 60 m.g. A.S,Bamunhati (Clerodendrum serratum) 50m.g. A.S, Jatamanshi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 50 m.g. A.S, Chitamool (Plumbago zeylanica) 40 m.g. A.S, Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)40m.g. A.s, Sankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) 40 m.g. A.S, Dhaiphool (Woodfordia fruticosa) 50 m.g. A.S, Vidanga (Emblica ribes) 50 m.g. A.S.
Sodium Benzoate (Preservative) 10 m.g. I.P. (2010)
Protonid Health Tonic :-
Each 5 ml, contains aqua extract of:
Draksa, Sveta Sariva, Aswagandha, Sodhita Visamusti, Satavari, Goksura, Arjun, Yastimadhu, Saccharin Sodium, Sorbitol70%, Sodium CMC, Sodium Benzoate, Caramel, Pineapple, Purified Water.
Indication :
Health Aim Capsule :-
For good health and well being. It helps to recover from physical mental and neural asthenia increases physical stamina, strength and zeal.
Protonid Health Tonic :-
Immune booster , It works on common weaknesses , Improves digestion , Increases appetite and sound promotes restful sleep , Prevents or reduces imbalances , Reduces mental or physical stress .
Dose :
Health Aim Capsule :-
1 capsule to be taken after each. meal or as directed by the Physician.
Protonid Health Tonic :-
Adult: take 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls after meal and Children: ½ the adults dose or as directed by the physician .
Side effects :
No side effect