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Vitamin Ayurvedic Complete Health Tonic provides a supplement Syrup minerals. weight gain general weakness best ayurvedic medicine body strength. elderly patients with chronic diseases, for people on a low-calorie diet, during pregnancy and lactation. Natural anti-oxidant for effective infectious well-being by chronic disorders such as typhoid malaria, surgery and immune deficiency disorders. Wake up to refresh the product overview.
Ayurvedic medicine Eucovine Plus best Vitamin Complete Health Tonic for weight gain general weakness body strength
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Health Supplement
Best Way To Lose Weight, Energy Booster
Each 5ml Contains Aqua Extract Of: Draksa (Vitis Vinifera) 200mg. Sveta Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus) 100mg. Kolikaksa (Asteracantha Longifolia) 50mg. Ashvagandha (Withania Somnifera) 100mg. Sodhita Visamusti (Strychnous Nux Vomica) 15mg. Satavari (Asparagus Racemosus) 50mg. Goksura (Tribulus Terrestirs) 50mg. Kasturilatika (Hidiscus Abelmoschus) 100mg. Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) 100mg. Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) 50mg. Saccharin Sodium 2mg. Sorbitol 70% 1ml. Sodium CMC 50mg. Sodium Benzoate (As Preservative) 20mg. Caramel (As Colouring Agent) 0.05ml. Pineapple (As Flavoring Agent) 0.005ml. Purified Water 5ml.
Natural Anti-Oxidant For Functional Infectible Convalescence Following By Chronic Disorder Such As Typhoid Malaria, Surgery And In Immune Deficiency Disor der.
1 TO 2 Teaspoonfuls Twice Daily After Meal Or As Directed By The Physician. Side Effect No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine.