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Ayurvedic Insomin Syrup and Health-Aim Capsules for appetizer & is a completely natural product made from natural herbs and helps maintain our body and health by suppressing appetite,Which is very useful for your body like helps in healthy skin, teeth and eyes, supports muscles, boosts immunity, strengthens bones, improves happiness, energy, stamina, improves memory, improves physical and mental well-being, Removes tension and depression
Highly Appetizer Delicious Test Insomin Syrup & Health Aim Capsule :
Improves Happiness & Energy
Both Health Supplement :
Depression & Tension Relive
Insomin Syrup
Each 5ml contains water extract of:
Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri) 500m.g, Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatsamansi) 500m.g, Sankhapospi (Convolvulus pluricauslis) 500m.g, Aswagandha (withania somnifera) 300m.g, Bach(Acorus calamus) 200m.g, Bedalamul.300ml,
Other Ingredients
Sodium benzoate IP……17m.g, Sodium Methyl paraben IP….5m.g, Sodium propyl Paraben Ip…0.8m.g, Colour…0.03ml,Flavour…0.0125 ml., Purified water q.s to 5ml.
HealtH-Aim Capsule
Each 500gm. Capsule contains:
Aswagandha (Withania somnifera) 70m.g. A.S, Bhulkumra (Ipomoea paniculata) 40m.g. A.S, Kur (Saussurea lappa) 60 m.g. A.S,
Bamunhati (Clerodendrum serratum) 50m.g. A.S, Jatamanshi (Nardostachys jatamansi) 50 m.g. A.S, Chitamool (Plumbago zeylanica) 40 m.g. A.S, Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)40m.g. A.s, Sankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) 40 m.g. A.S, Dhaiphool (Woodfordia fruticosa) 50 m.g. A.S, Vidanga (Emblica ribes) 50 m.g. A.S.
Insomin Syrup:
Anxiety , depression and tension , loss of appetite , lack of intelligence , sleeplessness ,loss of memory, retarded growth .
Health-Aim Capsule:
For good health and well being. It helps to recover from physical mental and neural asthenia increases physical stamina, strength and zeal.
Two teaspoonful twice daily or as directed by the physician
Health-Aim Capsule
1 capsule to be taken after each. meal or as directed by the Physician.
Side Effect
No Side Effect Ayurvedic product