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Ayurvedic medicine Kalamegha Syrup Helps To Protect Your Liver From Disorders Like Indigestion Or Loss Of Appetite Due To Its Deepen (Appetizer) And Pachan (Digestion) Properties. This ayurvedic treatment Helps To Improve Your Digestion And Enhance Your Appetite. Best liver tonics All Types Liver Trouble, Worm Infestation And Alcoholic Liver Disease Pre And Cirrhosis Of Liver And As Liver Stimulant Works.
- chronic liver disease.
- liver problems.
- fatty liver pain.
- worm infestation .
- Loss Of Appetite.
Ayurvedic Kalamegha Syrup For
Loss Of Appetite, Liver Problems, Worm Infestation.
Health Supplement
Liver Cancer, Fatty Liver Pain.
Each 5ml. Contains Water Extract Of:
Kalamegha ………………. 800mg.
Kulekhara ……………………….. 250mg.
Punarnava ……………………….. 250mg.
Kakmachi ……………………………. 100mg.
Chitamul ………………………… 100mg.
Haridra …………………………………. 100mg.
Gulancha ………………………… 100mg.
Teuri …………………………….. 50mg.
Sunth …………………………………. 100mg.
Apang …………………………..…. 100mg.
Chini ……………………………………………………… 2mg.
CMC …………………………………………………. 50mg.
Loss Of Appetite After Acute Illness, Hepatitis, Constipation, All Types Liver Trouble, Worm Infestation, Alcoholic Liver Disease, Pre And Early Cirrhosis Of Liver And As Liver Stimulant.
Two Teaspoonful Twice Daily Before Or After Meal Or As Directed By The Physician.
Shake the bottle before use.
Store in a cool and dark place.
Side Effect: No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine.