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Livonex Capsule About:
LIVONEX Capsules are formulated to give quick & sure relief from various liver disorders. It helps in correcting sluggish & enlarged livers, induces healthy appetite with improved assimilation. It checks damage to liver due to hepato-toxic drugs and due to intake of alcohol by regular drinkers. It also cures anaemia and relieves constipation.
Each Capsule Contains: Kalamegh 200 mg, Kulekhara 100 mg, Sonapata 100 mg, Ajowan 50 mg, Methi 50 mg, Benarmul 50 mg, Gulancha 50 mg.
Sodium Benzoate I.P 0.1%.
Protects the liver against various hepatotoxins. promotes appetite and growth.
Relieves the liver from functional strain Actives salivery and Gastric Secretion. Increase bile flow regenerate Liver cell,enlarged & sluggish liver, loss of appetite, habitual constipation, jaundice.
1 capsule three times a day or as directed by the physician.
Pack Size:
Container of 30 capsule.
Side Effect:
No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary.