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Gopen is best product Gita ayurvedic
Austro Labs Liver Tonic Lver Zime DS which are believed to liver health and support digestion and enhance enzymatic activity. it healp to alcoholic liver, fatty liver, hepatotoxicity, digestion, chronic gastritis, jaundice symptoms, loss of appetite, digestive system and gastritis.
digestive enzymes, gastritis treatment, fatty liver treatment
loss of appetite, Liver care
Each 5ml contains :
bhringraj (eclipta alba)400m.g,sharpunkha(tephorsea perpuria)400m.g,rohitaki chhal(tecoma undulata) 400m.g,arjuna chhal (terminalia arjuna)400m. ashwagandha(withania somnifera)300m.g
useful in jaundice, fatty liver, alcoholic liver, anemia and helps in enhancing digestion power and gets rid of gastritis.
Children: 1/2 teaspoonful a day.
Adults : 2 teaspoonful twice a day of as directed by the physician.