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Magic gout cure Tablet helps to decrease inflammation of joint and muscle pain by boosting blood circulation at the affected area. It is a very good muscle relaxant, pain relieving and anti-inflammatory. It reduces painful swellings. It helps to reduce inflammation; hence, it is used to treat inflammatory disorders such as . It Relives any Rheumatism pains also. Gout dropsy and paralysis.
Ayurvedic Magic Gout Cure:
Relief From any kinds of pain
Pain Free Life Herbal:
Gout dropsy and paralysis.
Each 15 mg Contains:
Devdaru(1 gm), Suth( 1gm), Guggulu (7.5 gm).
2 Types of Tablets 1 each after lunch and dinner with hot water.
Pack Size:
Container of 20+20=40 Tablets Packing.
Use For: Magic Gout Cure Useful In Muscle Pain, , Spondylitis & Joint Pain.
Side Effect : No Side Effect Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine.