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Memo Forte Syrup is completely natural formulation which helps to increase our memory power, Improving learning power, Brain Sharp ,Reducing mental tiredness and fatigue. Helps to relieve stress, pressure & mental fatigue, Maintains overall mental health.
Memo Forte Syrup
Brain Sharp
Health Supplement
Improves memory, learning power
Each 5ml. Contains Aqueous ext of: Shankhapuspi (Whole plant)(Convolvulus pluricaulis)200 mg, Aswagandha (Root)(Withania somnifera)200 mg, Brahmi (Whole plant)(Herpestis monnieria 250 mg,Jatamansi (Rhizome) (Nardostachys jatamansi)150 mg,Bach (Rhizome)(Acorus calamus)250 mg, Satavari (Tuber)(Asparagus recemosus)200 mg. Base Purified water q.s. to 5 ml. Additive: Sorbitol 1 ml. Preservative Sodium benzoate 0.05 gm. Other Ice cream (flavour)0.025 ml.
For healthy memory, depression weak digestion.
Adults 10-15 ml. Children 5-10 ml. three times daily Side Effect : No Side Effect a Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine Shake well before use keep in cool & dry place Protect from heat & direct sun light