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Dr. Vednutra Nasha Mukti is a Unique blens of recognized herbs which have shown excellent recovery signs & de-addiction symptoms in person fighting with alcohol or tobacco addiction menace and it helps in all kinds of drugs de-addiction.
Each Capsule Contains Extract from :
Withania somnifera ........................100mg,
Holarrhena antiysenerica ...............80mg,
Bacopa Monnieri ............................80mg,
Glycyrrhiza Glabra ..........................80mg,
Helianthus Annuus .........................50mg,
Rauwolfla serpentina .....................50mg,
Tinospora Cordifolia ......................50mg,
Convolvulus Pluricaulis ..................50mg,
Celastrus Echinatus .......................30mg,
Ocimum Sanctum ..........................30mg,
Directions for use :
As Directed by the Physician.
Storage :
Store in a cool, dry & dark place.
Caution :
To be taken under medical supervision.