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- Helps reduce joint, knee, back, and neck pain
Ortho Win Gold Syrup is a formulation of powerful Ayurvedic herbs that help in easy movement. It is an Ayurvedic pain relief syrup that helps relieve joint pain, muscle strain, ankle sprain, swelling and inflammation. It relieves pain, sore and shoulder pain, joint pain, lumbar spondylitis, hip and knee pain, as well as painful swelling. Ortho Win Gold Syrup is a herbal syrup combination that relieves pain.
Ayurvedic Ortho Win Gold Syrup Joint pain :
Strongthens bones
It helps to alleviate body aches and pains, as well as severe joint discomfort and swelling.
1-2 tespoonful twice a day or as directed by the physician
Health Supplement:
It also relieves severe headaches, backaches, and knee and joint pain quickly and effectively
Each 5ml. Contains:
Methi Dana..............................................60 mg
lavang (caryophyllus aromaticus)...........5 mg
luxa (Laccifer lacca)...................................5 mg
Chandrika (Lepibium sativum)..............25 mg
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifarae) 625mg
Karo (Gentiana kurrooroyale)............... 75 mg
Bidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa).............10 mg
Bambool (Acacia arabica).........................3 mg
Amarbel (Cassatha filiformis).................20 mg
Somlata (Enphedra geradiama).............20 mg
Chakramarad (Cassia torolinn)..............11 mg
Dhana (Coriandrum Sativum)................10 mg
Nishotar (Operculina Tur Pethum) .......10 mg
Sunth (Zingiber Officinale)......................10 mg
Pippali (Piparlongum).............................10 mg
Tulsi (Osumums Anctum).......................10 mg
Shatavari..................................................10 mg
Tejpan.......................................................10 mg
Flavoured Syrup Base..................................q.s