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- Control blood sugar levels
- Protects against diabetes
- Is useful for hyperglycemia
- It helps maintain healthy levels of blood nutrients in the body
- It promotes digestive health by stimulating the natural production of enzymes
Diabetes Capsule is a natural way to manage diabetes & helps to control blood sugar levels, It helps to reduce sugar cravings, promotes metabolic boost for optimal weight management and supports carbs absorption in your blood.
SB Sugar Care Capsule & Biswas SF Anti-Sugar Capsule
Control blood sugar levels
Health Supplement
Is useful for hyperglycemia
Indrayava, Meshoringi, Methi, Jamer athi, Nim pata, Amlaki, Gulancha, Morich
Indication :
Control blood sugar levels, Protects against diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, It helps maintain healthy levels of blood nutrients in the body
Dosage :
SB Sugar Care Capsule & Biswas SF Anti-Sugar Capsule
1 Capsule Twice Daily Before Lunch And Dinner With Water Or As Directed By The Physician.