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Stone Hit Capsule is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine used for Kidney stones, which is manufactured by Austro Labs LTD. Stone Hit also provides support in chronic urinary tract infection and prevents recurrence of stone formation in the kidneys. Ayurvedic Stone Hit is commonly used for kidney stones and its prevention.
Ayurvedic Stone Hit Capsule
Treatment Of Kidney Stone.
100% Ayurvedic Medicine
Each capsule contains : Pakhanbhed (Bergenia ligulata) 100 mg, Varun Chhal (Crataeva nurvala) 100 mg, Gokhru Chota (Tribulus terreestries) 95 mg, Yavaksher (Potasii carbonas) 80 mg, Hajrul yahoodBhasma (Ayurvedic formulation) 80 mg, Shilajeet Asphaltum (Purified) 45 mg.
Direction For Use:
1-2 Capsules twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Useful in kidney stones. Side Effect: No Side Effect An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine. Pregnancy: Stone Hit should not be used during pregnancy. QUESTION AND ANSWER : Q : What medicine should I use for kidney stone? A : Stone hit capsule. Q : Is it a stone that will help melt? A : YES Q : Is It Bladder Stone Removal Medicine? A : YES. Q : Will there be any side effects while playing it? A : NO