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Kulekhara Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant which has been widely used for increasing Hemoglobin in blood. It is a Kulekhara juice that is filled with pertain content, signs of anemia, shortness of breath treatment, strengths and weaknesses, signs of anemia, poor appetite, increases blood, it cleans the blood, boost hemoglobin levels it very help's in body.
Kulekhara Syrup:
boost hemoglobin levels
Health Supplement:
strengths and weaknesses, body weakness treatment, poor appetite
(For each 5ml) Herbs used for aqueous extract: Kulekhara (asteracantha longifolia)................... 1.2mg.
Anaemia, low hemoglobin count, overall fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and poor appetite
5-10ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. Side Effect: No side Effect Ayurvedic proprietary medicine.