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Use For:
- An ayurvedic product that is beneficial for liver diseases
- Helpful for loss of appetite and gastric
- Keeps your digestive system healthy
- 100% safe & herbal product
Ayurvedic Tara Herbal perfect Health Capsule Weight gainer:
Use For General Weakness , Acidity,
Health Supplement:
Loss Of Appetite, Liver Diseases,
For Each 500 mg Capsule
Aswagandha.50 mg, Satavar. 50 mg, Gokshua.30 mg, Gulancha. 25 mg, Arjun.12 mg, Anantamul.12 mg,Amlaki.12 mg,Hari Taki.12 mg,Damharidra.10 mg,Jaiphala. 25 mg, Almagupis. 40 mg, Bach. 50 mg, Pipul.12 mg, Kurchi .12 mg
Others active Ingredients: Banga bhasma.25 mg,Shilajeet. 5 mg,
Others: Sodium Benzoate.5 mg,
Dosage :
1 capsule two times a day after lunch & dinner .
Pack Size :
Container of 50 Capsule
Side Effect :
No side effects because its ayurvedic.