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Vedratan Shilajeet malt contains fluvic acid and more than 84 minerals, so it offers numerous health benefits. It can act as an antioxidant to improve your body's immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to remove excess fluids from your body. And vitality, strength, immunity, restorative and nourishing tonic strengthens bones, improves blood and increases appetite.
Use for :
- Vitality
- Strenght
- Immunity
- Natrient Tonic
- Improves Blood
- Increases Appetite
Strengthenes Bones.
Ayurvedic Vedratan Shilajeet Malt
Restorative and nourishing tonic, vitality
Health Supplements
Improves blood, increases appetite, increases immunity
It is useful for restorative and nourishing tonic, strengthens bones, improves blood and increases appetite.
Adults:- 1-2 tsp twice a day with milk
Children:- 1 teaspoon twice daily with milk, or as directed by physician.
Side effects:-
No side effects ayurvedic proprietary medicine.