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Dr. Biswas Ayurvedic Good Health Weight Gain Capsule 100% original is famous Ayurvedic medicine which Improves the digestion right liver to be digested properly food and new causes of blood in the body. Good health weakness capsule is a herbal supplement that helps improve overall health and boost immunity. good health capsule also increases energy levels, anemia, loss of appetite ,weight gain and loss weakness. This drug is beneficial to the whole family’s Health and wellbeing and healthier. It will help you gain your desired weight.
Weight Gain, Reduce Physical Weakness, Loss anemia, Health Development
As directed by the physician.
No Side Effects An Ayurvedic Proprietaty Medicine.
Each capsule contains Extracts of:
Aswagandha (withania somnifera)70 mg.,
Anantamul (hemidesmus indicus)50 mg.,
Draksa (vitis vinifera)40 mg., Brahmi 30 mg.,
Satamuli 40 mg.,
Jastimadhu 40 mg.,
Jatamanshi 40 mg.,
Sankhapuspi 50 mg.,
biranga 40 mg.,
Gokshur 30 mg,
amlki (emblica officinalis)fr. 50mg.,
Additive agent:
Sodhita Shilajeet 10 mg,
Banga bhasma 8 mg,
Sodium Benzoate 2 mg,